
Monday, June 6, 2011


bring back the oldies..fuhh..boringnya duduk kk ni. tesis punya pasal aku terpaksa meringkuk,merempat dan membatukan diri di teratak kg ab..adeh..

ntah silap siapa..kalau nak ckp silap sistem, kesian pulak dkt member yang belum siap tesis. tapi kesian la dengan org yang da lama siap tesis..terpaksa menunggu org yang belum siap dan terpaksa menunggu supervisor or pembaca kedua habis letak markah..damn..

pasal menunggu lama tu aku xkisah..lgpun lepas ni aku cuma tinggal tunggu konvo..but the problem is..cost living here was too high..and we wait for nothing!! its all about that thesis damn late..why dont the lecturer just check it then pass back to us to jilid cepat..what takes them too long to check all thesis? and we r here like stone or whatever..keep and still waiting like hell!! and keeping the stupidity and moronities to wait until they finish to check..maybe couple of weeks..damn..i cant hold it anymore..ini la Malaysia..

1 comment:

ziRc0n fR said...

perghh terbaek tuuu, ko pnya tesis lh yg pertama en.sazali semak taww, maybe sdh abes p0wn dia semak.. huhuhu lepas dia kasi balik t'pulang lh ko mau bt p'baikan tau xdak, lau ko namau wat p'baikan ko leh jilid sdh then u can go home.. heeeee